Hormone Replacement Therapy 

In the world of healthcare, one size does not fit all. The intricate and complex systems within our bodies require tailored care that considers our unique health needs. A vital component of this personalized approach is hormone optimization, which sometimes includes Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT is the practice of replacing and optimizing your body’s hormone levels with bioidentical hormones.

Hormones regulate a wide range of bodily functions, from metabolism and growth to mood and sexual health. When our hormones are out of balance, it can lead to a host of health issues, including fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, and decreased sexual function.

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a treatment that replenishes the body’s hormone levels, helping to alleviate these symptoms and improve overall health. It’s often used to manage symptoms of menopause in women, but it’s also beneficial for men experiencing a drop in testosterone levels or individuals with certain hormonal imbalances. Dr. Saxton uses a patient-focused approach to Hormone Replacement Therapy. Drawing on her comprehensive training and understanding of both pharmaceutical and alternative therapies, she develops individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique health needs and wellness goals.

Hormones can be optimized in several different ways – orally, topically, via injections or with pellets.

What Are Pellets? 

Pellets are one of several ways to administer hormones to patients. This is when a small amount of bioidentical estrogen and testosterone subcutaneously and for it to be continuously released over several months (typically 3-5 months). This is a quick office procedure where the area is numbed a small incision is made and the pellets are placed.

Benefits of Testosterone:

  • Improved well-being, energy, strength and endurance.
  • Improved body composition, bone density, sexual function, and clitoral sensitivity.
  • Decrease in visceral fat.
  • Maintenance of muscle mass which maintains metabolism.
  • Increases collagen and skin thickness, leading to improved skin texture.
  • Decrease in wrinkles, fat deposition, and cellulite. Similar benefits to women as to men
  • Increases libido.

Benefits of Estrogen:

  • Protects against heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and memory disorders, vaginal atrophy, urinary incontinence, UTI’s, macular degeneration, colon cancer, and cataracts.
  • Prevents menopausal hot flashes, temperature dysregulation, and mood disorders.

Benefits of Progesterone:

  • Important for menopausal, perimenopausal, premenopausal, and pregnant women.
  • Moderates many side effects of excess estrogen.,
  • Reduces fluid retention, bloating, headache, bleeding, and fibroids.
  • Progesterone is synergistic to estrogen’s effect on bone and lipids; it is antagonistic to estrogen in the breast and uterus.
  • Decreases headaches, cyclical migraines, and bloating associated with menstruation when used in high doses.
  • Natural progesterone (MP or OMP) protects against uterine and breast carcinoma, osteoporosis, fibrocystic disease, ovarian cysts, CAD, and ovarian cancer.

Benefits of DHEA:

  • Reduces cardiovascular risks by increasing lipolysis (decrease visceral fat).
  • Stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol, and body fat.

Please note: There are risks and benefits with hormonal therapy that should be discussed with your health care provider prior to starting any hormone therapy.

Sources: Hormone Summary Recommendations – Worldlink (worldlinkmedical.com)

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